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3. Introduction to Python

Apart from executing single commands in the command-line, more advanced actions can be taken through the execution of a script. A script, also known as the source code, represents a series of commands, which have the aim for the computer to perform a task. Computer programs are built with such scripts and this process is called computer programming. Scripts are written in a human-readable text format. In the field of computer programming, many different programming languages exist for writing source code.

3.1. Many programming languages

Two general groups can be distinguished when classifying programming languages: compiled and interpreted.

Compiled programming languages are translated into another programming language by a compiler. Through this process an executable file can be compiled with instructions for the computer. Run times of programs written in compiled programming languages are smaller. However, the development cycle of these languages is slower, because everything from the script needs to be compiled before it can be executed. Examples of such languages are: C, C++, Java, Fortran, Go, etc.

With interpreted languages instructions are executed directly by an interpreter in a step-by-step format and are not first translated into another programming language. Programs based on source code that is written with an interpreted language run slower, but the development cycle of such a script is more flexible. Interpreted languages consist of Perl, Python and R.

3.1.1. Scripting in the field of bioinformatics

In bioinformatics four main programming languages are used to write scripts:

3.2. Programming for bioinformatics in Python

Python can be started directly from the command-line by typing python. Version 2.7.6. is installed on the bmw.gbiomed.kuleuven.be server. Python takes your commands line by line. To exit Python type exit().

>>> points to the interactive mode of Python

Python as a calculator

Python as a calculator

Data files can also be used in Python on the command-line, just simply transfer your data files to the server (via Bitvise for Windows or Cyberduck for Mac OS).

3.2.1. Writing a script

A script is written as a text file with a text editor. If the script is written in the Python programming language, it is executed by Python, which acts as an interpreter. Script written for python have the extension .py.

The first line of a script always starts with #!, which is called a Shebang, followed by a specification for the programming language you are using. Here, we will use:

#! usr/bin/ev python

Followed by this comes the programming code. ___

Hints and tricks: Exercise: dnacalc.py

This exercise is replicated from the book: Practical computing for biologists. For more information on Python programming, check: Haddock SHD, Dunn CS. Practical computing for biologists. Sunderland (Massachusetts U.S.A.): Sinauer Associates, Inc.; 2011.

dnacalc.py will represent a program to calculate the melting temperature Tm of a certain DNA sequence.

Step 1: define a DNA sequence to check the Tm for (less then 14 nucleotides)

Step 2: Calculate the nucleotide counts

Step 3: Calculate Tm according to the following formula

Tm calculation

Tm calculation

Python DNA calc

Python DNA calc

Step 4: How many nucleotides are in your sequence?

Python DNA calc

Python DNA calc

In this example the DNA sequence is considered a variable. In Python variables store a value and are case-sentive and changeable. The assigning of a value to a python variables occurs through specifying the variable by typing "=".

Up to now, in this script our variables are: DNASeq and SeqLength.

Different types of variables can be distinguished: string / integer / float /list / dictionary.

String: text

Integer: natural numbers

Float: real numbers

List: list of items

Dictionary: list of items ("keys") with an assigned value

Set: unique list

Boolean: True/False


Python is dynamically typed, so it infers the type of variable for the user. Opposed to this is a statically typed variable, whereby the type needs to be defined by the user.

The three main variable types:

Python variable type

Python variable type

For DNASeq the variable type is a string.

For SeqLength the variable type is an integer.

Every variable type has different operators/functions available:

When handling these variable types, errors can occur. Therefore, caution is necessary.

To determine the type of a variable i:

>>> i = 200
>>> type(i)
<type 'int'>
>>> type (i) is int

Hints and tricks:

Python comments ___

Step 5: How many of each nucleotide is present in your DNA sequence? Use count() as a function to determine this.

Python dnacalc nucleotide count

Python dnacalc nucleotide count

Difference len() and count()

To determine the total sequence length earlier, the function len() was used (step 4). In step 5, the function count() is used in combination with a variable, which is called a method. What is the difference between a function and a method in Python?

Function are used for a broad application. Methods are object oriented. Here, DNASeq.count() is an object oriented method for the DNA sequence.

Python functions and methods ___

Hints and tricks:

{0}: represents argument number 1

{1}: represents argument number 2

..., etc.

    .format(argument1, argument2 )

Python format arguments Python format function table

Python formatted output ___

Step 6: print the percentage of A, C, G and T nucleotides in your sequence

Python percent nucleotides

Python percent nucleotides

Step 7: Get input from the user

Python raw input

Python raw input

raw_input() = returns the input provided by the user as a string

Check and correct the input via following operations on a string:

upper(): Make sure all nucleotides are upper case

replace(): Replace something by something else

Python Tm short sequence

Python Tm short sequence

You now have a script to calculate the melting temperature for DNA sequences with less than 14 nucleotides. But what if the DNA sequence has more than 13 nucleotides?

In this case, another formula is used. Let your script make a decision:

Use the if/elif/else construct.

Python Tm long sequence

Python Tm long sequence

Hints and tricks:

Python code block indentation ___

To make a decision, you also need to specify which situations need to be distinguished from eachother: if (sequence >= 14) or else (sequence < 14).

Python conditional expressions

Python conditional expressions

This is done by adding conditional expressions (be aware of variable types when using conditional expressions):

Python conditional expressions

Python conditional expressions

Final step: You have created a Python script, which allows you to enter a DNA sequence and the program calculates the correct melting temperature. The final output represents for example the total sequence length or the Tm of the total sequence. Intermediate outputs include the percentage of each nucleotide. Tm is different for long ( number of nucleotides >=14) or short ( number of nucleotides < 14) sequences and the script identifies the correct formula based on the length of the sequence.

Python dnacalc total script

Python dnacalc total script

Hints and tricks:

Exercise 3.1. Writing a Python script: GC content Debugging your script

In order to debug your script: check for capitalization, read the error, read the script, which part of the code is responsible for the error and try to understand what went wrong. Use Google to search for solutions.

Python debug

Python debug

Python debug

Python debug

Python debug

Python debug

Python debug

Python debug

Python debug

Python debug


Think about variable types!

Python debug

Python debug

Python debug

Python debug

3.2.2. Additional features for a Python script Lists

As a variable in Python, you can also define a list of values.

list = [value0, value1, value2, ..., value x]

.append(value3, value4, ..., value y): appends value(s) to the existing list

.pop(value0): removes the value(s) and returns the value(s) to the user

As a final step, you can reverse the list and print the elements:

Python list

Python list

Make a list of numbers from 0 to 12 (12 not included in steps of 2):

Python list slices

Python list slices Loops: for

For each element in the range from 0 to 13 (13 not included in steps of 3), print the element:

Python loops

Python loops

Python loops

Python loops

Exercise 3.2. Writing a Python script: reverse complement Dictionaries

A list can be used to assign values to each element ("key") in a list.

Python dictionaries

Python dictionaries

Python dictionaries

Python dictionaries

Python dictionaries

Python dictionaries

With dictionaries you can make for example a codon table for amino acids:

Python codon table

Python codon table

Exercise 3.3. Writing a Python script: molecular weight

Python is an object-oriented programming language. Objects can be a variable and a function at once. Variables and functions are linked to the objects via classes.

Python reading data

Python reading data Read data from disk

Python reading data

Python reading data Write data to disk

Python writing data

Python writing data Modules in Python

Modules in Python are files with a .py extension, which implement a set of functions. With the use of modules more functionality in your program can be implemented. An overview of multiple Python modules:

Python modules

Python modules

Many more are available online: https://pypi.python.org/pypi.

Python itself provides some built-in modules. A summary can be found here: http://docs.python.org/2/library.

Python built in modules

Python built in modules

In order to use these modules, you will need to import them with the import statement in Python. When using modules in your program/script, you will need to put the import statements of the modules at the top of your script.

Python import modules

Python import modules

Exercise: model CDS to protein conversion

Step 1: read a FASTA file with a DNA sequence from disk

Step 2: convert it to a protein sequence

CDS to protein

CDS to protein

Step 3: write FASTA file of protein sequence to disk

example sequence:


3.3. IPython/Jupyter

IPython offers an interactive shell for running Python code. Jupyter offers for example a notebook function for your Python code, but also for other programming languages. This allows you to run Python code through a webbrowser.

http://ipython.org/ https://jupyter.org/



3.4. Biopython

Biopython is collection of modules and tools that are available for Python programming. These tools are specific for the computational biology or bioinformatics field with tools for sequence alignment, sequence motifs, sequence annotation, reverse complement of a sequence, etc. Biopython is compatible with a wide variaty of data types from bioinformatics. Biopython offers a web interface or can be used via the command-line, e.g. BLAST can be run locally or online.

For more information: http://biopython.org/wiki/Main_Page.

3.4.1. Datatypes in Biopython

Biopython has its own datatypes, called objects. For example:

Biopython seqrecord

Biopython seqrecord

Exercise 3.4. BioPython: GC content

Exercise 3.5. BioPython: GC content and NCBI download

3.4.2. Alignment of sequences in Biopython

As is mentioned in 'Chapter 6: Alignments' alignments can reveal similarity between two sequences and between this can imply common ancestry and function. Alignments are often performed in the field of bioinformatics. Different types of alignments, algorithms and software is available.

Exercise 3.6. BioPython: GC content, NCBI download and alignment of two sequences

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